Your body is your Temple ... Keep it Fit for life!
CALL NOW - 360-338-0481 office
EMAIL - maxine@templefit.com
The TempleFit Vision
To be a premier facilitator and educator of natural healing, giving back to every person power over their own health
so that they can experience freedom & wholeness in
body, mind, and spirit.
The TempleFit Mission is...
To encourage, empower, and provide accountability for each client to take back control of their lives through daily food choices.
To acknowledge and respect the uniqueness of every person while employing the foundational principles of Nutritional Therapy and Nutrition Response Testing.
To walk our talk. Each TempleFit staff member is a testimony to how Nutritional Therapy and Nutrition Response Testing has improved their health and well-being.
To create healthy, happy clients who gladly tell others about us.